We Can Help You With Any of Your Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Business and Financial Needs

If you are interested in how Janz & Knight can help you or your business with its accounting needs, then feel free to give us a call at the number below or you can stop by. If it is after normal business hours then please use the contact form below and one of our professionals will be in touch with you soon.


Visit Janz & Knight in Bloomfield Hills at:

Unified Smiles Centre Building
300 East Long Lake Road, Suite 360
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

Hours: Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Or contact our CPA's at:

Phone: (248) 646-9666
Fax: (248) 646-3857
Email: smorgenstern@janzandknight.com

Or visit our Linkedin Page:


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